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External validation of the SERC trial population: comparison with the multicenter French Cohort, the Swedish and SENOMIC trial populations for breast cancer patients with sentinel node micro-metastasis

Nom du journal : Cancers (Basel)

Année : 2020

Volume : 12

Page de départ : 2924

Auteurs: Theret P, Jouve E, Ceccato V, Regis C, Vaini-Cowen V, Faure-Virelizier C, Gauthier T, de Troyer J, Boher JM, Raro P, Gimbergues P, Cohen M, Tallet A, Marchal F, Houvenaeghel G, Tunon de Lara C, El Haji H, Barrou J, Desmons F, The SERC Trial Group.,